Ecuador Rejects Playing Down the Coup Attempt
Quito, Oct 5. – Claims by opposition politicians that the September 30 coup attempt, which killed four people and injured dozens, was a set-up are false, said Ecuadorian Security Minister Miguel Carvajal.
The Ministry of the Interior is working jointly with the National Police to investigate the September 30 events and set in motion the administrative processes regardless of any legal ones that may emerge, Carvajal announced.
He pointed out that the mass media has contributed a lot to the investigation process, because their videos and photos are being used to search for everyone who was in the Quito Regiment and those who joined the uprising.
Carvajal affirmed that the government would "take the adequate steps to guarantee order, peace and protection of citizens' rights."
Carvajal ruled out the fact that any measure was being taken against former President Lucio Gutierrez and said that for now, some people linked to his party and who were in the Quito Regiment were being investigated.(Prensa Latina)