CELAC Prepares Important Documents
Caracas, Dec 1. -The constitution of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) will fulfil the dream of the liberators of the continent, according to representatives of the expected member countries of the block.Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Abelardo Moreno said that the preparatory meeting in which he is participating in Caracas, headed by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro, has prepared 19 draft documents on the event so far.
The preparatory meeting is also drawing up the Caracas Declaration, which will be submitted to analysis and approval by the heads of State and Government (or representatives) on December 2 and 3.
The Cuban deputy foreign minister said CELAC will not want to become an excluding or isolated bloc, but a bloc to articulate the joint positions taken by the member countries to the rest of the world, fight social inequality and promote development and integration, fulfiling the dreams of the regional liberators.
Fort Tiuna will be the venue of the Summit of heads of State and Government from Latin America and the Caribbean, who will found the CELAC as a regional integration bloc without the presence of the United States and Canada.
During the foundational summit of CELAC, the presidents of the member countries of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and PetroCaribe, an organization composed by several Caribbean countries with Venezuela to carry out oil projects, will meet. (Prensa Latina)