Fidel Castro Warns of Dangers for Human Race
Havana, Feb 16. – The human race is in real danger of extinction and something can and shoud be done to prevent it, the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, stated.
"I think we have to do it right now and it is a fundamental issue I wanted to discuss with visitors," said Fidel Castro during a meeting on Tuesday with intellectuals attending the 20th Havana Book Fair.
A recording of the meeting was broadcast later in the afternoon on the daily television program Roundtable.
"If we are able to get academics to understand the danger we are in at this time when a solution cannot be postponed, maybe they will be able to persuade the most self-satisfied and incapable creatures that have ever existed: we, the politicians," he said.
Fidel Castro stated that almost 20 years ago, during an UN Conference on Environment and Development, he had the unpleasant task of warning the world that the human race was in danger of extinction.
"I reasoned then, although the danger was not as imminent as it is now; they listened to me attentively, perhaps it would be better to say leniently," the Cuban leader noted. He recalled the terrible consequences of the nuclear bombs dropped in 1945 on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, unleashing terror and killing hundreds of thousands of people instantly.
Among the factors that threaten the world are wars, due to the colossal energy that scientists have been able to put in humanity's hands, the leader of the Cuban Revolution said.
Fidel Castro stated that 100 of those weapons would be enough to cause a nuclear winter, meaning the sun would not be seen anymore.(Prensa Latina)