
Ciudad 500 Program Makes Headway in Camagüey

Ciudad 500 Program Makes Headway in CamagüeyCamagüey, Sept 4 – Over 20 social and cultural development projects are being carried out in Camagüey as part of the so-called “Ciudad 500 Program” which seeks to improve the living condition of the people and celebrates the 500th anniversary of the former village of Santa Maria del Puerto de Principe.

Among the actions the program has been fostering are the renovations of hospitals, parks, fountains, tenement apartments as well as cultural and patrimonial buildings.

Local leaders of the government and of the Communist Party made an in-depth analysis yesterday on how this project has progressed. A wide representation of companies and institutions of this municipality were in attendance.

First Secretary of Cuba's Communist Party in this province Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca urged to listened to each initiative of the inhabitants and highlighted that with the participation of all the success of “Ciudad 500 Program” is guaranteed.

Tapia Fonseca also mentioned that “Ciudad 500 Program” should be seen as their own by each resident of this city in order to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Camagüey with much more efficiency and productivity. (Yurislenia Pardo Ortega/ Radio Cadena Agramonte).