Cuban Teaching Method to Reach Argentine Patagonia
Buenos Aires, Apr 30. -The doors of Patagonia will be opened soon to the Cuban literacy program Yo Si Puedo (Yes, I Can), as it will be launched in provinces of southern Argentina, a reliable source announced in Buenos Aires.
In this way, the efficient teaching method will broaden its horizons in a country where its application already led more than 20,600 people to know how to read and write, said Claudia Camba, president of the Un Mundo Mejor Es Posible (A Better World is Possible) Foundation.
In remarks to Prensa Latina, Camba said that the Yes, I Can method is being applied in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Cordoba, Jujuy, Salta, Misiones, La Rioja, Santa Fe, Entre Rios and in the capital.
Prospects for extending the program are bright, said Camba, who announced its immediate implementation in General Juan Madariaga, the first coastal municipality in Buenos Aires where it will be applied.
The plan for this year is the graduation of another 3,500 citizens countrywide and the proclamation of another three municipalities (in Cordoba and Misiones) as illiteracy-free areas. (Prensa Latina)