April, a month of fertile history
April is a month of fertile history, it does not have anything to envy the triumphing January. ¡ When it is recalled! The 50 years of the declaration of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution and the victory of Playa Girón, and now the celebration of the VI Congress of the Cuban Communist Party, event that promises to be historical since the challenges it implies will allow us to keep the revolutionary work, from a new political, economic and social perspective.
Unity among revolutionaries, said Raúl, and between the direction of the Revolution and most of the people is our greatest and strategic weapon, which has allowed us to make it till here, and to continue to improve socialism in the future.
And our President is right, if there wouldn’t have been such unit, the story of Girón were told in a different today.
Imperialism did no like the measures taken form January 1959. The course of the island was very different to those of previous governments. The people were the main figures of the changes. We had what we had to have. Fidel always the leader.
The bombings by American airplanes to the Ciudad Libertad, Santiago de Cuba and San Antonio de los Baños airports were a clear sign of the enemy’s pretensions. On April 16th 1961, workers, farmers, humble women and men swore to defend the measures already come true to the last drop of blood.
The Moncada Program was very vivid, based on the ideas of Martí, intellectual author of the action taken by the Centenarian Generation.
Since the very bigining of the Revolution, sabotages to the economic sphere, and the financing to gangs from the United States were the order of the day. But the strong attitude of our rebel mambises was not stopped but anyone or anything.
There was just one resource left in the macabre mind of the octopus, the armed aggression that did not fruit, meant the first great defeat of the imperialism in Latin America and pointed the way to the true liberation of the people oppressed: to defend with our own lives the conquests of the people.