
Santa Cruz del Sur to boost blood donations

Santa Cruz del Sur to boost blood donationsSanta Cruz del Sur, Apr 11. –Promoting the blood donations in all the regions of the Southern Camaguey geography was the call made by local Health Council, a work that together with the mass organizations constitutes a premise for the workers of this sector.

This is a noble gesture that sometimes makes the difference between life and death, affirmed Rosaura Pérez Molina who is in charge of this activity in the Local Education Sector.

During a dialogue with the teacher it was released some of the actions taken carried out here in order to improve this task, where chats and workshops stand out in school institutions.

The master in School Sciences highlighted the importance of increasing the call, while she recalled experiences of people from this region who saved their lives thanks to the solidary arm of voluntary donors. (Yanayma Rodríguez Molina / Radio Santa Cruz)