Cuban president remembers Benito Juárez, “Benemérito de las Américas”
“Our thankful tribute to the Benemérito and his people”, he said. Meanwhile, the Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Roberto Morales recalled the words written by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, considered Father of the Homeland here, to Benito Juárez. “Honor and glory to the Mexican leader,” he stressed.
Last year, during a commemorative act for Juarez’s death, the Mexican president said that “his work is enormous, he uprooted the dominion of a powerful clerical establishment and gave that power back to the people”.The reform laws, as a whole, transformed the ideological, material, economic, semi-feudal system into a secular and republican ethic; this is the second great transformation of our history, the president said.
A lawyer and politician by training, Juárez stood out for having been president of Mexico from December 8, 1857 to July 18, 1872, and to him we owe the establishment of the Reform Laws, which separated the Church from the State.He is known as the “Benemérito de las Américas” for his relentless defense of Mexico´s freedom and independence.
(taken from Prensa Latina)