
Activities for the Environment in South Camaguey

Activities for the Environment in South Camaguey Santa Cruz del Sur, May 5. –June 5th is celebrated the World Environment Day, a perfect occasion for the people from Southern Camaguey to carried out many activities aimed to preserve the mother nature, mercilessly punished by the man’s hand. 

With this same objective, a great number of enterprises and entities from this territory will carry out cleaning activities and beautification around the beach area, severely damaged by the bathers by dropping wastes in the water, and so they harm the ecosystem.

The Youth Communist League (UJC), the Ministry OF Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), the Ministry of Culture, National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (INDER), the Education Sector and many other organisms of the Local Bodies, will attend the call of the SOS Planet, where the tree sowing contributing to reduce the effects of the desertification is one of the activities that are going to be carry out.

This is part of a group of activities lead by the Local Government. Many initiatives are going to be executed In Santa Cruz with the motive of approaching to the vacation period, where the seaboard is fully crowded, and people love to go having a great recreation time and to get rid of the regular stress.  (Rolando Canaura Sánchez / Radio Santa Cruz)