Cuba, Iran Reaffirm Commitment to Peace and Multilateralism
Havana, Jan 14. -The governments of Cuba and Iran reaffirmed this week their commitment to peace and multilateralism in international relations, a position exppressed during a state visit to Cuba by Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad.Havana and Teheran also rejected unilateral economic sanctions, of which both nations are victims for defending their sovereign stands.
Ahmadinejad arrived in Cuba on Wednesday as part of a Latina American tour that also included Venezuela, Nicaragua and Ecuador.
During his stay of some 20 hours in the island he met with Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro and the head of the State and host Raul Castro.
Regarding these meeting, Ahmadinejad told reporters shortly before traveling to Ecuador that they showed common views on many regional and international issues and the strength of bilateral ties.
He added that their positions are the same, very close, and that they have been, are and will be good friends and stay on each other's side forever.
Ahmadinejad gave a lecture at the main lecture theater of the University of Havana, were he received the Honoris Causa Degree in Political Sciences. (Prensa Latina)