Busy agenda for Cuba within the UNESCO Executive Board

According to Cuban representatives, activities at UNESCO headquarters in this capital include the work of the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations of the 207th session of the Executive Board, a body of 58 countries of which Cuba is a member.
This forum examined reports on the application of UNESCO’s normative instruments, related to its competence, the preservation of documentary heritage, the protection and promotion of museums and their collections and the right to education, science and culture, as well as transparency and cooperation.
Cuba’s delegation was headed by Oscar León, representative before this body and president of the National Commission for UNESCO, accompanied by the permanent delegate of the island, Dulce María Buergo, and other officials.
The Executive Board’s Special Committee and the Committee on Non-Governmental Partners also convened to discuss governance.
The Board’s work will be extended until October 23, with an agenda in which the Draft Program and Budget for the biennium 2020-2021, the strategic transformation process promoted by the Director General, and the structured dialogue on financing and the monitoring of SDGs stand out, particularly focused on education.
The activities at UNESCO headquarters precede the 40th Session of the General Conference, scheduled from November 12 to 27, with the participation of Heads of State and Government. (Prensa Latina)