
Preliminary register for the population census advances in Southern Camaguey

From July 1st began in Southern Camaguey the preliminary check with the view of the Housing and Population Census, which will be carried out in the whole country next year 2012. The coordinating commission and the local work group have already initiated the tasks of this first stage.

“The preliminary check is the preparatory stage in the field, house by house. Santa Cruz del Sur was the first municipality in the whole province fulfilling with the previously assigned tasks ”, said
Delis Nieto Petit, director of the Local Statistics Office.

These representatives have gone to the most inaccessible places, in order to take the data of the chief of the family and other residents, without presenting the ID or the property title of the house, apart from the controlling of the total amount of houses and buildings of all kinds.

The directive explained how the specialists of Physical Planning offered in the field limits and courses of the districts and popular councils. All the workers of the statistics Center joined the task. The transportation guaranteed by the Radio Santa Cruz del Sur radio station and COPEXTEL corporation was of a good help. (Iliana Pérez Lara/ Radio Santa Cruz)