Brazil’s electoral justice signs agreement with foreign observers
Brasilia, Aug 3.- Edson Fachin, president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), signed an agreement so that the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations (UNIORE) can act as an international observer in the October elections in Brazil, it was confirmed on Wednesday.
According to CNN Brazil, the cooperation instrument will monitor the operation and audit of the electronic voting system and the disinformation campaigns.Lorenzo Cordova, President Counselor of Mexico’s National Electoral Institute, an analogous body to the TSE in the country, attended the signing protocol at the court headquarters in Brasilia.
During the event, Cordova, head of the mission, affirmed that Brazil’s electoral experience contributed to the improvement and modernization of several mechanisms of the American democracies.
Founded in 1991, UNIORE consists of 30 electoral bodies from 23 countries. This is the third agreement signed between the TSE and international organizations to conduct observation missions for the next election. Such agreement foresees that a report with the observers’ conclusions and recommendations is published at the end of the mission.
Signed by Fachin and Tomas Enrique Bittar, of Parlasur, the term will establish rights and obligations for both sides.According to the TSE, 156,454,011 Brazilians could cast their vote on October 2, to elect the president of the Republic, state governors, senators, and federal, state and district lawmakers.
(Taken from Prensa Latina)