Evo Morales in Bolivian Headlines
La Paz, Sep 20. -President Evo Morales' visit to Cuba, where he was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Political Sciences at the University of Havana, has been given extensive spaces Tuesday in the Bolivian media.Cambio newspaper and "Patria Nueva" radio station said that during the homage, Morales stated the need of a revolution at the United Nations to end the dictatorship in the Security Council.
Other dailies such as "Pagina 7," "La Razon," "El Diario," "La Patria" and "Los Tiempos" state that Morales will speak on Wednesday at the UN General Assembly, and make emphasis in the current crisis of capitalism.
The 66th ordinary period of sessions at the General Assembly will debate issues such as the function of mediation in the peaceful solution of controversies, the reconstruction and strengthening of fragile States and in later situations to conflicts, and the UN reform, included the Security Council reform.
Bolivia will also highlight resolutions such as Mother Earth Law, the human right to water, and the 2013 Declaration as the International Year of Quinua, among others.
In statements to press, Morales criticized the resolution approved in March at the UN, which authorized NATO bombing on Libya. (Prensa Latina)