Cuban Anti-Malaria Program Brings Positive Results in Ghana
Accra, Jul 6. -Efforts by specialists from the Cuban laboratory and pharmaceutical company Labiofam have reduced the rate of malaria by 75 percent in this capital, according to the Labiofam director.
Ghanaian Health Ministry authorities termed very positive the work carried out in this country by 22 Cuban cooperation workers from that institution, Labiofam director Jose Antonio Fraga told Prensa Latina.
Before leaving for the Republic of Congo, Fraga also stated that the objective of his stay in Ghana was to work with local authorities to assess the state of the Cuban anti-malaria program.
"We also discussed the possibility of expanding the plan nationwide," Fraga noted.
Fraga and his accompanying delegation met with Ghana Health Minister Joseph Yieleh Chireh and other officials to discuss the development and difficulties of the anti-malaria plan, the control of vector-borne diseases, and other issues.
In the Republic of Congo, the Labiofam delegation will meet with a group of World Health Organization directors for Africa. (Prensa Latina)