Duties and rights of the student from Southern Camaguey delegate to the Pioneer Congress
Santa Cruz del Sur, Mar 26. -Adianéz Nápoles Gómez has set a goal to herself, to conquer the future. She likes teaching already, she is member of the Pedagogy Interest’s Club, and every day she learns a little bit more. Spanish Language and History are the subjects she likes the most. This student plays volleyball in her free time.
This pioneer is the delegate who will represent 56 schools from Santa Cruz del Sur in the V Congress of the Cuban Pioneers.
Journalist: what you focus your actions as student leader on?
Adianéz Nápoles Gómez: -“… To the fulfilment of all the tasks of the Jose Marti Young Pioneers' Organization (OPJM) inside the very students group where I belong.
P: what are the main qualities a student in our revolutionary process must have, in order to be in the vanguard of the historic continuity?
A.N.G: “…It’s necessary to be a good student, patriot, honest, responsible, decent, humble, anti-imperialist, humane, ad fair.
P: as a representative of the OPJM from Santa Cruz del Sur, what are you going to set out in the Congress?
A.N.G: “ I am going to expound something that I think is very important, linked to the deepening on the Cuban History emphasizing on the Local History, since it is one of the deficiencies some students have.
P: what are the activities being developed in the Algérico Lara Correa School marking the 50th anniversary of the Playa Girón Victory and the declaration of the Socialist Character of our Revolution”.
A.N.G: “Since we are in Congress already we link all the historic dates to this great event we are having in early April. We speak about the strength of our Cuban brothers unjustly imprisoned in the United States, we research about historical events, we carry out patriotic, cultural, recreation and sports activities, and we also reforest timber and fruit yielding so as to support the food program and to protect the environment”.
P: what feelings are you transmitting to the students groups you are visiting?
A.N.G: I talk to them about the experience acquired in the Local Assembly and V Congress, the approaches set out there, the knowledge obtained and the preparation received, besides I encourage them to be better students and more revolutionary every day.