Panama: Youth Movement for Justice for Cuban Antiterrorists
Panama, Oct 11. -The Panamanian Youth Movement for the Liberation of the Five, composed of dozens of student groups and civil society, on Monday demanded justice for the Cuban Five imprisoned in the United States.
In an appeal issued in this capital, the bloc joined the world clamor for the release of Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez.
According to the movement, "The Five, as they are known internationally, are an example of the real struggle for peace and against terrorism in all its manifestations. "
The US president, Barack Obama, has the power to remove the false charges against the Cubans and "has a moral obligation to do justice," said representatives of the movement.
Such action by the US president is very important, "if he wants to project an image of change for Latin America and the world." (Prensa Latina)