Call for energy saving in the residential sector
Santa Cruz del Sur, Sep 14. –A meticulous análisis about the activity of the services and the behaviour of the Energy Program was carried out by the delegates and guests to the Local Assemblyof the People;s Power in Santa Cruz del Sur, which was in session at the Najasa Theatre from this city.
In the delivered report was explained that the residential sector is the one that is negatively contributing with the consumption of great energy in the territory, not the estate sector, to which a group of measures were taken so as it to fulfill with the expected plans.
In that sense, members of this Commisssion of Permanent Work of the fonctioning of the Popular Power survied a group of citizens and this is what came out: lack of habit and awarness on the need of saving, broken power-meters, and deficiencies in many electrical setups inside houses, among others.
Some of the thingd to be fought are: public lights on during the day, wrong usage of the electric pots and other equipments and the absence of the earthern item for the electric pots. (Rolando Canaura Sánchez / Radio Santa Cruz)