Colectivo Moral Condition achieved by physiotherapists in Southern Camaguey
Santa Cruz del Sur, Jun 23. – The rahabilitation Center from Santa Cruz del Sur received this Tuesday the Colectivo Moral Condition, medium category reached by a work center once its staff acheived a high awarness level and dedication to the service offered to the people.
The acknowledgement will stimulate the workers from this entity and will achieve a high satisfaction between those who offer this medical service and the ones who receive it, guarantying the required quality to improve the general status of the patients.
The Rehabilitation Center once again ratified its integral institution position, because they were the first ones in this sector to deliver the financial and the MTT, which means thy have played an important role in the labor tasks.
According to Dayamí Pardo Muñiz, Secretary General of the Union Section in this sector, this movement is of a great significance for the Cuban Public Health, due to the characteristics of the patient care service , included in the transformations for the social welfare, carried out through the Revolution’s Programs, (Yamilé Agrenot Castillo / Radio Santa Cruz)