
Santa Cruz del Sur to occupy better place in the moncadist emulation

Santa Cruz del Sur to occupy better place in the moncadistSanta Cruz del Sur, may 26.- With the evaluation of the selected indicators, in about 32 entities, Santa Cruz was in the 8th emulative place in the province at the end of March.

Commercial production, the medium-salary-productivity, the incomes to the budget and the tax declaration, among others, are part of the measurable aspects in the provincial emulation in the last evaluative period of the territory, out of 12 indicators.

The most outstanding organisms and entities occupying from the first to third place were: The Ignacio Agramonte Construction Enterprise, The Food Enterprise, The Local Industries Enterprise, and The Caribe Establishment, of dairy, The Ministry of Justice, the OBE, Comunales, Health, and Transit.  

But there are many enterprises lagging behind like: Culture, Agriculture, Banks, Job Organ and House Enterprise, located from 10th to 12th places. These results must ameliorate so as to locate the territory in a better provincial position in the Moncadist Emulation.

About this subject, for the next economic plenary, the directors of the entities have to carry the place they occupy in the emulation of the province, and the marked shortcomings so as to be able of seeking for local solutions that allow us to boost the place Santa Cruz has today in the Emulation for the 26th of July. (Hugo Betancourt Mayoral / Radio Santa Cruz)