Cuba Boosts Railroad Recovery
Havana, May 12. -The Cuban Ministry of Transportation is currently boosting recovery of the country's railroad network, an initiative that, according to authorities, demands an enormous effort.
To fulfill such objective, it is necessary to repair about 6,000 kilometers long (3,800 miles long)of rail tracks, buy new equipment, recover and upgrade repair-shops and increase personnel training, Vice President of the Council of Ministers Antonio Enrique Lusson stated.
Regarding repair-shop recovery and personnel training, Lusson announced that four technological centers would be reopened; the first of them should start working the forthcoming school year, starting in September, and the rest in 2011.
An example of efforts to recover transportation is the decision of the country's top authorities of reducing the recovery process of the central railroad from five to three years, the vice president said. (Prensa Latina)