About 120 Countries to Bolivia Climate Summit
La Paz, Apr 7. -The Bolivian government informed that about 120 countries and international organizations have confirmed attendance to the World People's Conference on Climate Change, to take place April 19-22 in Cochabamba.
Minister of the Presidency Oscar Coca said it is being coordinated with the Foreign Ministry to welcome about 20,000 delegates in general to the forum, which arouses ever increasing interest.
Coca sustained the summit plans to discuss a world agenda against capitalism, aimed at the preservation of the Earth and the environment.
President Evo Morales convened this meeting after the failure of the UN Summit on Climate Change last December in Copenhagen(Denmark).
In the meantime, the farmers' leaders, Dionisio Cabrera, indicated that delegates from his sector are already registering to take part in the forum.
The farmer sector, he noted, will urge industrialized countries to pay the environmental debt.
The document containing Bolivia's proposals was agreed in the pre-World Conference of the Peoples and Social Organizations on Climate Change and Rights of the Earth, held on March 30 in Cochabamba.(Prensa Latina)