
Sugar Cane plantation strengthened in Southern Camaguey

In ordetr to boost the sugar-cane yields in the lands of the Cándido González Enterprise, directives of the Communist Party in Southern Camaguey and the First Secretary in Camaguey Province prioritize the previously mentioned sector.So as to fulfill with the sowing planned for this year 2011, the six units making up this enterprise carry out a very heavy work, while they have reached an average yield of 30 tons of sugar-cane per hectares.

Some 840 hectares are ready to be sowed out of the 894 available, so the figure planned must be finished in the current period, before december 21st.

The aspiration of  Cándido González Enterprise is to plant more than 50 tons of sugar cane per hectare, after the possitive recovery shown by its units owing to the support of the Sugar Cane Ministry. (Yamile Agrenot Castillo/ Radio Santa Cruz)