The Revolution Has Multiplied the Number of Physicians in Cuba

Havana, Jul 23.- In six decades, the Cuban Revolution has multiplied by nearly 60 times its graduates from Medicine and it has rendered its assistance in that field to other peoples of the world, according to statistics published.
There were some 6,000 physicians in Cuba when the Revolution led by Fidel Castro triumphed on January 1, 1959, but half of them migrated, mainly to the United States.
Until now, including the 2019 graduation, 376,608 health professionals have been trained in Cuba, including 171,362 physicians, the newspaper Granma reported.
Cuba has nine doctors per every 1,000 inhabitants, an indicator that is similar to those shown by countries from the so-called First World, the publication underlined.
The Caribbean island has 12,000 medical institutions and nearly 500,000 healthcare workers.
More than 35,700 students from 141 countries have graduated from Cuban universities, many of whom are physicians.
Cuban medical collaborators render their services at present in 65 counties, generally in rural and poor communities. (Prensa Latina)