
Cuban Tourism Wins Award in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Dec 13 .-Cuba won for the second consecutive year the Bitacora de Oro Award for the best-promoted foreign tourist destination in Argentina, at a gala that brought together the most important representatives of this country’s tourism sector.


Cuba was also distinguished in the categories of Best Wholesale Operator of Cuba and the Latin Prize for this year’s performance in the development of the tourism industry by the company Havanatur.

The meeting was attended by important managers such as the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), Zurab Pololika Shvil, and Argentina’s secretary of Tourism, Gustavo Santos, as well as governors and ministers from several provinces.

Promoted by Mensajero Turístico, a specialized media with 30 years of experience, the finalists were chosen by the vote of travel agents and other members of the sector, as well as by online votes.

Niurka Martinez Perugorría, the manager of Cubana de Aviación; Irina Plana, and the general manager of Havanatur in Argentina, Adalberto González, were present at the ceremony on Cuba’s behalf. (Prensa Latina)