Cuba on the offensive due to the rise of positives to Covid-19

The confirmed cases are all Cuban (25 women and 34 men), of which 35 were asymptomatic, and he specified that no deaths are reported, which remain at 94, in addition eight patients are in critical condition and 14 are serious.
Not registering deaths confirms the effectiveness of the protocols and treatments applied in patient care, the validity of the measures adopted and the efforts of specialists and scientists in the care and treatment of patients with Covid-19.
For clinical-epidemiological surveillance 1,141 people are admitted, another 548 are suspicious and 558 are active with the disease, of them 536 with a stable clinical evolution, Durán explained.
Since the first case was announced on March 11, Cuba has been working hard to stop the spread of this disease, now with a complex situation in the provinces of Havana, Artemisa, Pinar del Río and Matanzas due to the high incidence rate of cases due to the appearance of foci and events.
Among the 59 confirmed in the last day are four under 18 years (pediatric age), and the number of positives in the young age group is significant, 30 of the 59 reported today.
To date, three thousand 378 have been recovered, when 51 medical discharges were added the day before.
Durán insisted on the need to reinforce all actions so as not to increase the number of positive people, as well as not to neglect control measures, social isolation and hygienic-sanitary protection, especially when the capital of the country will establish starting tomorrow new restrictions on the movement of people and transport and greater vigilance. (Prensa Latina)