
Cuba and Georgia hold inter-ministerial political consultations

Havana, Jul 19.- Cuba and Georgia held a virtual meeting of Inter-Foreign Foreign Ministry Political Consultations, where they evaluated political and cooperation ties between the two nations.

During the meeting, both parties expressed their willingness to continue the diversification of bilateral political dialogue and expand cultural, economic-commercial and cooperation ties between the two countries, the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, Gerardo Peñalver, reported on Twitter.

At the meeting, Peñalver thanked Georgia for its historic position of condemning the blockade imposed by the United States on the island, in the United Nations General Assembly.

In addition, he reiterated Cuba’s will to maintain bilateral ties “on the basis of mutual respect, cooperation and political dialogue.”

According to press reports, Cuba was the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with Georgia after the country located on the Black Sea coast ceased to be a Soviet republic in 1991.

(taken from Prensa Latina)