
Intl. Underwater Photography Contest Ends in Cuba

Intl. Underwater Photography Contest Ends in CubaCayo Largo del Sur, Cuba, May 18.- The fifth International Underwater Photography Contest Fotosub 2014, in Cayo Largo del Sur, 177 km from Havana (30 minute by plane) wraps up today after five days of activities.

Experts from Mexico, Colombia, Spain and Cuba were competitors in this event, also attended by executives and other specialists from Germany and Italy.

This contest is part of a strategy launched by the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) to diversify the offers and boost other modes of active rest, besides sun and beach.

Fotosub is the most important event of this kind in Cuba, and Cayo Largo del Sur is a main attraction, with aquascapes described by contestors as wonderful.

The Playa Blanca Hotel was the venue for the contest including the categories of Fish, Environment, Environment with Model, Macro Underwater Photography and Themed Macro.

The winners will be made public today by a jury led by German Juergen Warnecke, who is President of the Audiovisual Commission of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS). (Prensa Latina).