China rejects politicization of human rights to pressure Cuba

China -he added- always maintained that the United States must respect the sovereignty and independence of Cuba, and eliminate the economic, financial and commercial blockade, imposed unilaterally for more than half a century.
He urged Washington to overturn its ties with Havana, but supported equality to respond to the interests of both peoples.
Likewise, Wang considered that the normalization of ties between the United States and Cuba will lead to stability and development in Latin America.
His statements ratify China’s stance against the coercive policy and insistence of the White House on using human rights as an argument to make impositions on the island.
The Asian nation always joined the majority of the international community in demanding the lifting of the US blockade of Cuba, considering it harmful to the interests and life of the people, as well as contrary to the United Nations Charter.
For years he called on Washington to correct this hostile stance and denounced the extraterritorial nature of its sanctions, since it violates international law. (Prensa Latina)