AMCRP members to set medical donations for Cuba
Pérez praised the contribution from different companies including Gold Dust, Lido Internacional S.A., Grupo Salama and the Cuban Shipping Companies to this effort to support the medical-surgical equipment supply needed Cuba´s health system.
The batch, worth over $200.000, will be handed over to hospitals and other healthcare units through the Cabildo de Quisicuaba Foundation, a community project headed by Congressman Enrique Alemán, known for his humanist and sociocultural actions.
With over 40 years of community work focused on strengthening the responsible involvement of the Centro Habana municipality population in order to disseminate the municipal history and empower inhabitants, the Quisicuaba members have been awarded the National Community Culture Prize.
On the other hand, Perez said that on July 30, the 10th Caravan against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by Washington on Cuba for over 60 years, but destined to fail, will take place. (Taken from Prensa Latina)