Hurricane Season Starts in the Atlantic Basin
Havana, Jun 1. – Preceded by two unusual storms named Alberto and Beryl-today starts the hurricane season 2012 in the Atlantic Basin, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.
Since records began only twice (1887 and 1908) have been reported two tropical systems before the official beginning of the cyclone period, which for this year 2012 is expected within normal to little active.
According to experts, it is possible the formation and development of 10 tropical cyclones (tropical storms, hurricanes) in the entire area, five of which can reach hurricane status.
However, a few days ago Dr. Jose Rubiera, head of the National Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology of Cuba, noted that the practical value of this information to people and their interests is very limited.
It is not possible to predict with months in advance where it will be a meteor or the strength and rain that will accompany it, he explained. It is easy to see how in a season, forecasted as active, do not pass any hurricane through a given territory and think that the forecast was wrong, when its meaning is another, the expert added.
He recommended meeting the guidelines of the Civil Defense.
That's the really valuable practical information to effectively address the threat of a hurricane, he said.(Prensa Latina)