Chilean Left Wing Proposes Tax Reform to Fund Education
Santiago de Chile, Nov 10. -The Broad Leftist Movement (MAIZ) and Social Movement (MAS) of Chile called for a tax reform in the country, while seeking a free education system.The two left-wing organizations considered that tax revenue should be raised within a reasonable period of time, from the current 18 percent to at least 25 percent of GDP.
The organizations also called to eliminate tax breaks that are not socially justified, and that 10 percent of the gross sales of the National Copper Corporation, currently allocated to the armed forces, should be redirected to education.
They urged legislators to vote against the draft law on the 2012 Budget Bill in the section related to education, which does not respond to the people demands.
The MAIZ and MAS were in favor of a radical reform in the education system and for the right to a free, public, non-segregated and quality education to be enshrined in the constitution. (Prensa Latina)