
Raul Castro Heads March in Santiago de Cuba

Raul Castro Heads March in Santiago de CubaSantiago, Cuba, May 1. -Cuban President Raul Castro presided over Sunday the patriotic march on occasion of the International Workers'' Day, held at the Antonio Maceo Revolution Square, of this eastern city.

Maria de los Angeles Cordero, general secretary of the of the Central Workers Union of Cuba (CTC) in this province, urged all workers to be united and build up a better world for Cuba and the rest of the world.

The members of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution, followed by students from educational institutions, genuine representatives of the historic continuity, marched in front of the 24 blocs.

The colors of the national flag predominated among the people, with banners allegorical to the guidelines recently approved by the 6th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party, the main motivation of this working celebration. (Prensa Latina)