Japan: Quake and Tsunami Killed More than 12,700
Tokyo, Apr 9. -The death toll of the quake and the ensuing tsunami in March 11th reached 12,731, while 14,706 people are still reported as missing, the Police informed on Friday.
China, S. Korea, Concern over Japan's Radioactive Water Pumping The 7.4-magnitude aftershock, registered on Thursday night and considered as the strongest so far, killed two people and injured 132, according to official figures.
The new tremor shook the prefecture of Miyagi, the region worst affected by the huge March 11 quake and tsunami, and neighboring areas.
This new event caused water leaks in Onagawa nuclear power plant in this region, noted Tohoku Electric Power Co, the operator of this facility, quoted by the press.
The levels of radiation outside the plant are normal, the press underlined.
On Thursday, Tokyo Electric Power Co. began injecting nitrogen to reactor 1 of Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant to reduce the risk of a hydrogen explosion, an accident that was registered in the first days after the tragedy in reactors 1 and 3. (Prensa Latina)