Student Day celebrated in Southern Camaguey
Santa Cruz del Sur, Nov 18. –With the revolutionary determination to keep on creating a socialist society of a vast culture and knowledge, as Fidel has taught us, yesterday morning were carried out many special meetings in education institutions of this territory, in order to celebrate the Student Day.
This was a propitious moment to make a call on peace and total disarmament in the world, to demand the inmediate release of our five heroes antiterrorists and to remember martyrs and heroes of our country, who faught for this revolution since they were young people.
Several political, cultural and recreative activities were developed this day, supported by a huge revolutionary reaffirmation by the students and the people form Santa Cruz del Sur, making it clear that we wont quit this cause, the embarrasing capitalism wont come back to this island again, we are never going to be a consumption society. The Economic Model to be built will lead us to be more rational and efficient.
This date has a special meaning for the High School Students Federation ( FEEM), since this point starts a very well structured program for the 40th anniversary of this organization, which will celebrate next December 6th.
Santiago SantaCruz
Cortesía para Radio Santa Cruz