
Trade Unions from Santa Cruz del Sur with ambitious goals for 2010

Trade Unions from Santa Cruz del Sur with ambitious goals for 2010 Santa Cruz del Sur, 31 march.- Achieving the affiliation of all the workers, increasing the financial incomings and preparing the base union leaders according to the orientations issued by the Cuban Workers Fderation (CTC),  are some of  the prioritized objectives for the year 2010  for the worker’s  movement in Santa Cruz del Sur. 

Completing the leader’s staff, achieving that all the posts have objective substitutes, deepening on the selection of members demanding the fulfilling of the established requirements and paying attention to the preparation of the professional directives and the training since the very first level to attain stability are some of the most fundamental matters.

Capacity building is a vital task since it contributes to the political and economic preparation of each union directive. And the CTC is responsible for this action in the local worker’s movement.

These ideas were set out in the local union Assembly of Review in Santa Cruz del Sur, where aspects as the holding of the affiliate meetings were examined. And this assembly is the main scenery where workers set out their opinions about the fulfilment of the social object of the group. This will give the workers a participation in the decision making of the municipality and it is of a very good help to achieve solutions so as to obtain better results in the enterprises.
(Hugo Betancourt Mayoral / Radio Santa Cruz)