
Cuban Official Reiterates Need to Plant Every Inch of Land

Havana, Jan 9. -The need to end the imports of food that can be grown in Cuba was highlighted in the eastern province of Holguin by Council of State Vice president Esteban Lazo Hernandez.During a tour to La Yaraguana settlement, one of the major agricultural centers of the province, the also Political Bureau member said the country will again allocate huge sums of money to purchase food abroad, Granma newspaper reported.

Lazo stated that prices rise every day, so he insisted on the need of not leaving an inch of land without planting, and to purchase abroad only what the country really cannot produce.

During meetings with executives and agricultural workers, Lazo also emphasized the obligation to abide by the contracts made between companies and the need for financial discipline, which means being tough on those who cause damages to the economy. (Prensa Latina)