Tourist operations under strict sanitary protocols in Cuba

Camagüey, Cuba, Jan 14.-The resumption of operations to accommodate tourists in the E Hotels, of the Cubanacan Group in Camagüey eastern city, is being carried out under strict hygienic-sanitary protocols to avoid the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Camagüey, which is experiencing a setback in the epidemiological situation with 100 active cases, focuses on the tourism sector as a high priority, since only in the Santa Maria Hotel there have been registered visitors from Russia, Spain, Germany and the Bahamas.
According to statements to the local press by Juan Llambias, director of the Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology, the setback occurred as of October 20 when the province resumed international flight operations.
Therefore, the Public Health Department, along with the International Airport, is intensifying health protocols, in addition to ensuring the transportation of tourists, especially those who are passing through.
Among the prioritized control measures are the permanent use of facemasks, the cleaning of surfaces, the physical distancing and the application of hydroalcoholic gel. (Prensa Latina)