Ministry of the Interior, uniformed representation of the Cuban people
Santa Cruz del Sur, 6 jun.-Members of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) are everywhere at once. It is the representation of the people. Women and men with a wide gaze watch without blinking to maintain in a balanced state the internal order, the tranquility of the citizens, the protection of every state and social good.
They are examples of revolutionary ethics and morals. Young people guided by those of recognized experience. It’s nice to greet them; to see how much respect each public mission fulfills, increases the historical prestige of the institution much more.
Friends always of those who found and love; enemies of those who, from within or without, pretend to destroy the glorious work erected by the dignified and honest Cubans, eternal brave men of duty.
In the mornings, afternoons, nights, early mornings, they receive orders from their bosses to perform the tasks for the common good of each citizen. They are never absent in blocks and work centers when the moment requires it.
Even in the most inhospitable places are these soldiers, children of workers, peasants, intellectuals; born in the midst of the shortcomings caused by the recrudescence of the imperialist blockade.
From their units, they multiply the voice of Cuba condemning the title III of the Helms-Burton Law. The Island proudly contemplates the unstoppable and just act of the audacious members of MININT.
Illegalities, social indiscipline, corruption and acts against socialist society, based on Marti, Fidelista and Marxist-Leninist thought, are fought by the Cuban unconditional of the Ministry of the Interior. (Translated by Jesus Mazorra / Radio Santa Cruz)