Havana Holds 2nd Commerce Convention, Cuba 2019

Havana, May 14 .-With the aim of providing initiatives for the development of the commercial activity, the 2nd Commerce Convention, Cuba 2019, opened on Monday at the Conference Center in Havana.
According to information published by the Cuban News Agency, nine scientific events will be held during the meeting, including symposiums, workshops, colloquiums, pre-event courses and an associated exhibition.
The Congress, to be run until Friday, May 17, will involve more than 400 participants where executives, specialists and experts of recognized national and international prestige will take part.
The event will also be attended by commercializing entities and state and non-state productive and service companies, as well as universities, study centers and scientific and technological institutes.
According to information released by its organizing committee, the main issues will be on wholesale marketing and the development of supply chains, the application of quality management systems as well as others linked to the study of markets, communication and marketing. (Prensa Latina)