Eastern Cuban region boosts nature tourism

The press release added that the Cuban travel agency ECOTUR in Holguin, specialized in the realization of ecological tourism, proposes a series of excursions to natural and historical destinations in the aforementioned scenario.
The offers point to that eastern territory as well as the surrounding regions, for Cuban and foreign travelers.
Among the options is Baracoa’s tour in Guantanamo, the oldest city in Cuba founded in 1511 by the Spaniard Diego Velazquez, which stands out for the production of chocolate and mountain ranges, crystalline water rivers and beaches.
Santiago de Cuba constitutes another of the provinces included in these proposals within the options of ECOTUR-Holguin with two routes, where sites of historical value are visited such as the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Charity of ‘El Cobre,’ the Moncada Barracks and the Cemetery Santa Ifigenia.
The second route focuses all the day activities on La Gran Piedra mountain range, a mountain crowned with a rock of over 60,000 tons, surrounded by other interesting sites such as the Birds of Paradise, Botanical Garden and the La Isabelica museum.
The Cuban travel agency ECOTUR boosts ecotourism through activities related to nature, adventures and knowledge and protection of the environment. (Latin Press)