Cuba with good results applying Biomodulin T to prevent Covid-19

Biomodulin T has been applied to date to risk groups such as aged adults who are in health and social centers, among them nursing homes and psychiatric hospitals, and patients with associated diseases, the senior official said.
In all cases, the results of these clinical trials are monitored and whatever results are obtained, the treatment may be extended to more population groups, the doctor noted.
Biomodulin T, a product registered in Cuba since 1994, is a biological immunomodulator of natural origin, is not a blood product, which is used to treat repeated respiratory infections in senior citizens, with excellent efficacy and safety results.
On the other hand, Duran informed during the press briefing that nine coronavirus cases were reported in the country on the last day, totaling 2,092.
No deaths have been reported in the last hours, so the death toll so far remains at 83. About 1,827 patients were recovered from the disease. (Prensa Latina)