
Cuba to Host Scientific Seminar on Climate Change

Havana, Mar 12 .- The role of the Cuban civil defense system in reducing disaster risks and confronting climate change will be analyzed in Havana Monday at a high-level professional meeting.


During the scientific-methodological seminar on the challenges and perspectives in the face of events caused by climate change, the State Plan called Task Life will be updated.

This project has as a background research started in 1991 by the Cuban Academy of Sciences multiplied since 2004, after the destructive impacts of hurricanes Charley and Ivan in the west of the country, with the aim of assessing the danger, vulnerability and territorial risks for disaster reduction.

The Life Task includes actions aimed at counteracting impacts on vulnerable areas, including not allowing new housing construction in coastal settlements and reducing cultivation areas close to the coast or damaged by marine intrusion into underground aquifers.

Climate change is associated with human activity, which disrupts atmospheric composition and adds to its natural variability over periods of at least 30 years, so its main coping strategies are mitigation and adaptation.

The seminar will be held until March 13 in the capital Hotel Tulipan with the participation of professors from different Cuban university centers.