Anthology of Cuban writers attracted by Alicia Alonso published
Havana, Dec 20.- Ediciones Union is launch the anthology Prosas Cubanas por Alicia Alonso (Cuban Proses for Alicia Alonso) on Saturday to commemorate the 100th birthday of Cuba’s most universal artist.
National Dance Museum Director Pedro Simon and expert Jose Ramon Neyra were in charge of selecting the texts, which were compiled in this volume and illustrious Cuban authors like Juan Marinello, Jorge Mañach, Renee Mendez Capote, Dulce Maria Loynaz, Alejo Carpentier and Jose Lezama Lima.
It also contains works by Mirta Aguirre, Gaston Baquero, Cintio Vitier, Fina Garcia Marruz, Alfredo Guevara, Miguel Barnet, Roberto Fernandez Retamar, Anton Arrufat, Eusebio Leal, Eduardo Heras Leon, Reynaldo Gonzalez, Nancy Morejon, Senel Paz, Rufo Caballero and Yuris Norido. (Prensa Latina)