
Santos Reveals Names of Government Negotiators in Peace Process

Santos Reveals Names of Government Negotiators in Peace ProcessBogota, Sep 5.- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, announced today the names of the team of 10 negotiators who represent the government in the peace process with the guerrillas, led by lawyer and politician Humberto de la Calle. Of these, five will be major or plenipotentiaries and five substitutes.

In the first case, the acting representants are Sergio Jaramillo, new commissioner for Peace, Frank Pearl, Oscar Naranjo, former Police general, Luis Carlos Villegas and Jorge Mora Rangel, former Army general, all of a very great experience, he emphasized.

He also announced that De la Calle will lead a group of 30 delegates of the Executive, but only the main negotiators will remain in the roundtable that will be established in October in Oslo. (Radio Cadena Agramonte).