Ukraine Thanks Aid to Nuke Victims by Cuba
Pinar del Río, Cuba, Aug 28.- Ambassador Tatiana Saienko highlighted the friendship between the peoples of Ukraine and Cuba and thanked this country's assistance to the victims of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, so far rated as the second worst such environmental disaster in the history of humanity after Fukushima, Japan, in 2011.
In meeting with the local community in Pinar del Rio -some 140km west of Havana- and some of the 400 Ukrainian residents in Cuba, the diplomat lauded Cuban expertise to heal some 24,000 infants trapped by the 1986 catastrophe, adding that they will soon go on another stage of their therapy.
Saienko told the local TV Telepinar broadcast on the current state of bilateral relations and the efforts by both her country and Cuba to brace exchange and economic cooperation in different sectors, in pharmaceutics namely, and acknowledged the quality of Cuban cancer vaccines, an experience Ukraine will spread at home in new oncology clinics.(Radio Cadena Agramonte)