
ALBA Political Council Requests Immediate Expulsion of USAID

ALBA Political Council Requests Immediate Expulsion of USAIDHavana, Cuba, June 22.- The Political Council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA) requested the immediate expulsion from all ALBA nations of the UN Agency for International Development (USAID) for considering its performance contrary to the sovereignty and political stability of these countries.

An official ALBA communiqué published by Granma newspaper, reads that the foreign ministers of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our Americas, gathered on June 22, 2012,  in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil resolved to request, from the heads of state and government of the ALBA nations, the immediate expulsion from their countries of the USAID, its representatives or delegates, for considering their presence and performance a disruptive factor attempting against the sovereignty and political stability of ALBA countries.

The communiqué, issued on June 21, is signed by the governments of Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Dominica, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

The document explains that the decision was taken after considering the open interference with the ALBA countries domestic policy by the USAID which, under the pretext of “planning and managing US economic and humanitarian assistance in the world, funds non-government organizations, actions and projects aimed at destabilizing legitimate governments, which
do not respond to its interests.

The communiqué adds that the decision also took into account, the analysis of evidence contributed by declassified US State Department documents revealing the funding of opposition political organizations in ALBA countries, in clear and open interference with internal political processes in each nation.

The foreign ministers also say that the ALBA countries do not need the USAID funding to sustain their democracies, which are consolidated with the will of Latin American and Caribbean nations. The ALBA countries do not need any organization that performs under the tutelage of foreign powers, which in reality only usurp and weaken the action of state agencies by preventing them from playing their role in their countries’ economic and social development.(Radio Cadena Agramonte)