Rio+20 at TSF’s Second Day in Brazil
Brasilia, Jan 25. -The UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, on Wednesday captured the interest of debates at the Thematic Social Forum (TSF), held in many cities of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.Parallel to the Rio+20 in June, the People's Summit, from which the TSF is a preface, along with other 25 meetings taking place in other parts of the world, will be held.
To the Peoples' Summit Rio+20: A new historic period, Capitalist crisis and green economy, Family agriculture and sustainable development, Eco-socialism or barbarism: a trap of green capitalism or a solution beyond the capital, and Sustainable development: an alternative model from Latin America, are some of the topics for debates.
The meeting also consists of a roundtable discussion entitled "Constructing sustainable cities," attended by Boaventura de Souza Santos, Frei Betto, Jorge Abrahao, Leonardo Boff, Marina Silva and Oded Grajew, among others.
According to Agencia Brasil, Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira will attend the debate, as well as other events where the new Brazilian Forest Code will be debated, and the Second Brazilian Meeting of State and Municipal Secretaries of Environment.
Teixeira will be a speaker in the roundtable discussion titled Governmental sustainability experiences, in which he will be accompanied, among others, by Rio Grande do Sul Governor Tarso Genro and the president of the ruling Workers' Party, Rui Falcao.
Participants in the TSF-2012 can participate in other lectures about development, citizenship and human rights, environmental justice: educational practices to build another possible world, and climate emergency, sustainability and global warming. (Prensa Latina)