Brazil for Better Distribution and Access to Education
Brasilia, Jan 24. -Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff assured the combination of the rent distribution program with access warranty to education, is the right path for Brazil to increase its current level."I have, and I will have the chance to assure not only that what we have obtained, will be maintained, but that we are going much farther," said President Rousseff when she talked at the ceremony to celebrate the concession of the first million scholarships of the University for All Program (Prouni).
Prouni is a plan from the Brazilian government created to lend money to Brazilian young people with low resources but with good results at the National High School Test (ENEM) to accede to Brazilian private universities.
Benefited people start paying a year and a half after they are graduated.
Now, Prouni is helping 406,000 students registered in courses from private institutions and another 200,000 are concluding their careers.
Some press media have criticized ENEM, so President Rousseff assured that is the most democratic way to grant access to university specialties for young people, allowing transforming the society and stopping elitism in the national higher schools.
In later statements to the press, Rousseff accepted the fact that ENEM should be improved, just as the Prouni Program went through adaptations and improvements.
Brazilian Education Minister Fernando Haddad spoke in the activity, remembered the reforms in basic education and professional teaching, and was grateful to the National Congress for their support to the Brazilian education.
"Between our legislators, there is a comprehension on the idea that education should turn into a state policy in Brazil," he concluded. (Prensa Latina)