Haitian Justice Subpoenas Former Dictator Duvalier
Imagen activaPort-au-Prince, Jan 20. -Haitian justice subpoenaed former dictator Jean Claude Duvalier to provide evidence in court in this capital for repeated violations of his house arrest.Judge Carves Jean, in charged of the case, asserted that during the session on Friday, they will admonish Duvalier for violating his house arrest and if he arrives late, he will be arrested.
According to the ruling issued in April, the former dictator, also known as Baby Doc, should stay in his residence in Petionville, on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince and receive visits only in restricted hours.
However, Duvalier has repeatedly violated that ruling; the most recent violation was on Thursday, when he attended a ceremony to pay tribute to the victims of the earthquake that hit Haiti two years ago.
Baby Doc returned home on January 16, 2010, after 25 years in exile in France, and although victims of his dictatorship have filed more than 20 lawsuits against him, he is still unpunished. (Prensa Latina)